After a small (well not that small) hiatus is back online and under Dirtbagtoons Studios control. We have been working on the website and we are proud to say that this thing is fully operational…ok well maybe not 100%, but maybe 90%. We are still working out some kinks and once that is resolved we will start uploading some comic strips on a regular basis. We also plan to update with news and animations that we are working on. We plan to have regular updates of animation shorts featuring the Dirtbags as they get into various hijinks.
We are working on launching a Patreon page as with our small size it is difficult to keep a constant output without some financial assistance. We will update the site as once our Patreon site is up and running and we will let everyone know the various Rewards available for becoming a Patreon. We appreciate everyone that has supported us thus far, and we look forward to providing some entertainment for you all.